Форма для вратаря хоккейной школы «Сочи». Хоккей России исполняет мечты


Федерация хоккея России продолжает помогать спортсменам, болельщикам и всем, кому может помочь исполнить хоккейную мечту. Одиннадцатилетний Матвей Байков – ребёнок из многодетной семьи, занимается хоккеем в ДЮСШ «Сочи» пять лет. Его вратарсквя экипировка стала не по размеру и давно нуждалась в обновлении .

Мечта была исполнена: Матвей получил новый комплект формы! Теперь он сможет еще лучше тренироваться и идти к новым достижениям. В будущем Матвей мечтает стать профессионалом и берет пример с карьеры своего кумира, великого Владислава Третьяка.

Федерация Хоккея России от всей души желает Матвею здоровья, больших успехов в хоккее и достижения поставленных целей.

ФХР благодарит пресс-службу хоккейного клуба «Сочи» за помощь в съёмке фото и видео-материалов. 

Russia Hockey Makes Dreams Come True. Equipment for a sledge hockey goalkeeper
The RIHF received a letter with a request to help Alexei Tulcheev, a goalkeeper of the Wings of Dreams sledge hockey team from Penza.
Equipment for Arseniy. Russia Hockey Makes Dreams Come True
The Russian Ice Hockey Federation received a letter with a request to help Arseniy Motorin, a player of the Meteor-Signal team from Chelyabinsk.
A mask from Tretiak. Russia Hockey Makes Dreams Come True
As a part of the Russia Hockey Makes Dreams Come True project, a young goalkeeper received a mask from the legendary Vladislav Tretiak.
Russia Hockey Makes Dreams Come True. Timur Salakhutdinov
As a part of the "Russia Hockey Makes Dreams Come True" project, 10-year-old ice hockey goalkeeper Timur Salakhutdinov received the autograph of the legendary Vladislav Tretiak.
Russia Hockey Makes Dreams Come True. The Komarov brothers
The Komarov brothers from Saint Petersburg, who are eight and six respectively, received the opportunity to train with the Russian national team after their mother sent an email to the Russia Hockey Makes Dreams Come True scheme.
A signed jersey by Pavel Datsyuk for a young ice hockey player
As a part of the "Russia Hockey Makes Dreams Come True" project, Pavel Datsyuk signed a jersey for young ice hockey player Liza Lebedeva.
Russia Hockey Makes Dreams Come True. Pasha Mazepov
During the Channel One Cup, the dream of 12-year-old Pasha Mazepov came true.
Adelina Sotnikova and Mikhail Fisenko held a celebration for disabled children
On June 1, at the Arktika sporting complex in Moscow, a celebration for children with disabilities took place in connection with International Children's Day.
Russia Hockey Makes Dreams Come True. A fan from Canada receives Vladislav Tretiak's autograph
An ice hockey fan from Canada has become the next person to participate in the "Russia Hockey Makes Dreams Come True" project.
Russia Hockey Makes Dreams Come True. Ilya Fedotov from Kostroma
The Russia Hockey Makes Dreams Come True project continued at the 2020 Channel One Cup as dedicated ice hockey fan Ilya Fedotov attended the match between Russia and the Czech Republic on December 19.
A fan from Finland has seen his dream come true!
Anton Gil, a fan of the Russian national team in Finland, has seen his dream turned into a reality by the Russian Ice Hockey Federation.
Alexei Marchenko helped an oncology centre
Russian national team defenseman and Olympic champion, Alexei Marchenko, provided financial assistance to the Blokhin Children's Oncology Centre.

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