Russia U18 open day in Novogorsk


In Novogorsk, the under 18 Russian national team held an open day for the media. Afterwards, the head coach and players spoke with the media:

Russia U18 head coach Sergei Golubovich:

- At the moment, we are midway through our World Championship preparations. In the near future, we will fly to Slovakia for the final camp before the tournament begins. Ivan Chekhovich and Pavel Koltygin have already joined us from North America. However, a final decision concerning the roster will be made after friendly matches in Bratislava.

Will last year's experience at the World Championship help the team? We'll see. There is a good mood within the team. I think that the experience will be an asset.

It's hard to speak about the progress of players who have competed in North America, they have only just arrived here. The situation concerning Maxim Zhukov will become clear tomorrow, but we are positive. Kirill Maximov is already in Moscow. Andrei Svechnikov will join us tomorrow.

Russia U18 forward Pavel Koltygin:

- Because of the fact that I have only just arrived, I'm finding it difficult at the moment. Having not skated for three days, I wanted to get on the ice. However, everything will get better with each day. I have missed being in a Russian team, I want to help the national side. I trained in one line with Ivan Chekhovich and Kirill Popov. My year in North America? Everything was fine, but I could have performed better. Nevertheless, I feel more confident.

Russia U18 defenseman Mark Rubinchik:

- I am in a great mood. I, Dmitry Samorukov and Yaroslav Alexeev have only just arrived from Canada, but we have already worked hard. Will I be a more confident player at the World Championship because of my year in Canada? Yes, I think so. I love to play physical, but it soon became clear in Canada that I have to play in a more simple manner. I think that last year's experience at the World Championship will help us. We will fight against every opponent.

Russian Ice Hockey Federation 

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