Interviews after the Russia U20 Reds - Belarus U20 match in Sochi

After the semi-final of the 2022 Black Sea Cup between the Russia U20 Reds and the under 20 Belarusian national team, head coach Sergei Zubov and forward German Tochilkin gave interviews.

Russia U20 head coach Sergei Zubov:

- It was tough to find the required emotions, but the guys did well to gain extra strength. A lot of them have been playing in four consecutive games now, this really is a marathon for them. Thank you to them for trying their best until the final buzzer. Let's see what happens in the final.

Russia U20 forward German Tochilkin:

- After the first match, the coaches asked me if I was ready to play in the second. I replied that I was, why not. I would like to thank the coaches for showing faith in me. Overall, physically I feel great. We prepared for this tournament excellently during our training camp in Novogorsk. Furthermore, thank you to the fans for coming to the arena to support us. I am really enjoying playing with these players.

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