Friendly match. Russia - Belarus - 3:2 OT

In the second of two planned friendly matches, the senior Russian national team just managed to emerge victorious against Belarus in Tula, earning a slender 3:2 win in overtime.

Marat Khairullin was the hero in the extra frame for Russia, beating Belarusian goalkeeper Konstantin Shostak from the doorstep.

Initially, our players had opened up a two-goal lead with markers from Ilya Safonov and Danil Alalykin in the first period, but the opponents equalised with two goals in the third. The equaliser was registered on the powerplay with a mere 32 seconds remaining on the clock.

Overall, Russian goaltender Maxim Tretyak stopped 23 of the 25 shots he faced.

Our team will now prepare to participate at the Liga Stavok Saint Petersburg Cup between the 5th and 8th of May.

Match protocol:

Russia - Belarus - 3:2 OT (2:0, 0:0, 0:2, 1:0)


1:0 Safonov (Tertyshny), 10.48 PPG
2:0 Alalykin (Pustozyorov, Misyul), 11.22
2:1 Chezganov (Levshunov), 40.18
2:2 Pinchuk (Suvorov, Kodola), 59.26 PPG
3:2 Khairullin (Pustozyorov), 64.27

Goalkeepers: Tretyak - Shostak

Shots on target: 36 - 25

Faceoffs: 27 - 22

Penalty minutes: 4 - 6


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