Reaction following Russia Reds' win against Switzerland in Sochi


Russia Reds head coach Oleg Bratash:

- A coach can never be fully satisfied, mistakes are always made. At this tournament, the main thing for us is to make the guys play a team game. Overall, this match was a lot better than the one against Latvia. At the end of the game, we took a timeout because we wanted to have a go playing 6 on 5. There were only two seconds left, and we weren't worried that we would concede another goal. Both the Russia Reds and Russia Whites teams are level, they are better opponents than Switzerland or Latvia.

Russia Reds forward Andrei Altybarmakyan:

- We managed to take advantage of our goalscoring chances, it was a calm match. For my goal, we had a 3 on 2 rush, I was given a pass and I managed to score. I am pleased that we won, but tomorrow's game against Russia Whites will be interesting.

Russia Reds forward Vladislav Kara:

- Tactically, this was a better match than yesterday's. Everyone wants to show their best qualities here, we're working hard and analysing our performances every day. I played in the third period today. Alexei Polodyan fed me a pass, I hit the net and scored. Overall, I enjoyed the match. We're pumped up to win tomorrow, we want to hold a trophy above our heads. Hopefully, luck will be on our side. It won't be easy, but we have to show the coaches why we want to make the World Junior Championship roster.

Russian Ice Hockey Federation  

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