Reaction after the second match against Switzerland in the Euro Hockey Challenge

Following the second 2020/2021 Euro Hockey Challenge matches against Switzerland on the road (0:1), senior Russian national team head coach Valeri Bragin and defensemen Alexei Marchenko and Igor Ozhiganov shared their emotions:

Head coach Valeri Bragin:

- In terms of our movement, we played better today. We should have taken advantage of our opportunities to score goals. We will now analyse these two matches, it's tough to say right now who played well and who didn't. The players who stayed in Novogorsk are nursing injuries. We've called up forward Sergei Tolchinsky? I had said that we were tracking the progress of national-team candidates. Ivan Fedotov played well in net in this game.

Defenseman Alexei Marchenko:

- We lacked a cool head when presented with chances to score, we weren't aggressive enough when the puck was on the Swiss crease. Yes, Switzerland are progressing further with every passing year, but we needed to emerge victorious. Our aim is to win every match.

Defenseman Igor Ozhiganov:

- In comparison to the first match, we were better in defence today. However, we didn't follow the coach's game plan well enough, we lost the puck at neutral ice and couldn't move it out of our own zone either. Of course, it's disappointing that we lost here, but we have enough time to fix the situation.

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