Reaction after the second match of the Kazakhstan Hockey Open

Following the second match of the 2021 Kazakhstan Hockey Open against the tournament hosts (1:2), Russian Olympic national team head coach Oleg Bratash and goalkeeper Maxim Tretyak shared their emotions.

Head coach Oleg Bratash:

- The opponents fielded a strong, experienced team with plenty of players from Barys, we understood just how good they are. It was interesting to see how our young guys could compete against such a good side. Overall, I think that our players coped with the challenge well, one small detail in the third period decided the outcome in favour of Kazakhstan. Neverthless, despite the result, our players gave everything on the ice. Yes, tomorrow's game is only a friendly one, but the players will have to be focused. Some of the younger guys from the MHL will receive a chance.

Goalkeeper Maxim Tretyak:

- It was a difficult match, it's disappointing that we couldn't win. However, in terms of my development, this competition has been really helpful for me. I will speak with the coaches to analyse my performance in more detail. How did I feel when I was summoned to the national team? I was really happy, representing your country comes with great responsibility. This is an important moment in the development of my career.

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