Russia Hockey Makes Dreams Come True. Ilya Fedotov from Kostroma

The Russia Hockey Makes Dreams Come True project continued at the 2020 Channel One Cup as dedicated ice hockey fan Ilya Fedotov attended the match between Russia and the Czech Republic on December 19.

Ilya is a big ice hockey fan, regularly watching matches of the national team with his wife and sons. Ilya sent a letter to the Russian Ice Hockey Federation, stating that he dream of seeing the national team play with his own eyes at least once.

Ilya Fedotov:

- My dream was to be at the stadium when the national team are playing and to cheer on our players! It was great that it turned out to be such a fantastic match for us with the 4:1 victory. This is a wonderful gift for me ahead of the New Year celebrations and my birthday! This day will forever remain in my memory. I extend a huge thank you to the Russian Ice Hockey Federation for making my dream come true!

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