Alexei Marchenko helped an oncology centre

Russian national team defenseman and Olympic champion, Alexei Marchenko, provided financial assistance to the Blokhin Children's Oncology Centre.

The player purchased an expensive oncaspar drug which assists the daily treatment of ill children.

In the current situation, which has arisen due to the coronavirus pandemic, children in Russian oncology centres are particularly vunerable. Specialists found that the delivery of vitally important drugs was delayed.

Oncaspar is used to treat leukemia, and a delay in the delivery of it can result in tragic consequences. Marchenko purchased Oncaspar for the hospital, consequently making sure that it is delivered on time so that the children can be treated without any potentially vital delays.

On behalf of the Blokhin Children's Oncology Centre, professor and director, Svetlana Varfolomeeva, thanked Alexei for his contribution:

- On behalf of the oncology centre and myself, I would like to thank Alexei Marchenko for his assistance. It is crucial that we receive the drugs which the patients depend on to live. In this difficult time, it's important to stick together and support those who are in need. We are grateful to Alexei for his quick response, thanks to which we can provide the children with the drugs which they require. People like Alexei create that island of hope which is impossible to live without.

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