Oleg Bratash and Daniil Miromanov speak about the match against Belarus

Head coach, Oleg Bratash, and defenseman, Daniil Miromanov, spoke about the first match at the Kaufland Cup against Belarus, which the Russian Olympic national team won 1:0.

Head coach Oleg Bratash:

- Yes, the score was 0:0 for 50 minutes, but throughout the entire game, we competed with the initiative and tried to score goals. Of course, taking into account the young age of this squad, we were lacking the required quality to hit the back of the net. I really enjoy working with these players, even though they aren't physically built-up enough yet, they are a talented bunch. They will have enough energy to compete in the final against Slovakia tomorrow.

Defenseman Daniil Miromanov:

- It was a good, close game. We stuck to our system. All of tried hard during the entire 60 minutes. My goal? At the blue line, Kirill Slepets dumped the puck towards the crease, the goalkeeper couldn't hold it, and I managed to knock it over the line. One goal was always going to decide this match.

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