Reaction after defeating Denmark at the 2020 Youth Olympic Games

Following the emphatic 9:0 victory against Denmark at the 2020 Youth Olympic Games, Vladimir Filatov, Artyom Duda and Ilya Rogovsky all shared their emotions.

Head coach Vladimir Filatov:

- There can't be weak opponents at the Olympic Games, we always respect every opponent. Today, our players fully stuck to the game plan. Nevertheless, we now have to forget about this match, focusing on the semi-final tomorrow. I told the guys that all of their thoughts have to be on the next game. We will watch the Switzerland - Finland match, as we know that one of those teams will form our next opponent at this competition. We have creative, talented players in our team.

Defenseman Artyom Duda:

- We are satisfied with this match. These games give you the opportunity to feel comfortable with the teammates in your line and to build up mutual understanding. However, the tournament really starts for us tomorrow, the knockout matches are starting. I don't mind who we will play against next, we have to remain focused. Our discipline will be an important factor, and we will not underestimate any opponent.

Forward Ilya Rogovsky:

- Yes, we won by a large margin, but this wasn't an easy game. Maybe, at the start we did underestimate Denmark a little bit, but then we improved and began playing a lot better. We will play with the correct mindset in the semi-final. Will we analyse the opponents? That is a question for the coaches. I think that we will certainly look at their special teams.

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