Reaction after winning bronze at the 2020 World W18 Championship

Vladislav Prodan, Alexander Syrtsov, Ilona Markova, Kristi Shashkina, Kristina Glukharyova and Vita Ponyatovskaya all shared their emotions after the under 18 Russian national team won bronze at the 2020 IIHF W18 Championship in Slovakia.

General Manager of women's national teams Vladislav Prodan:

- First of all, I would like to congratulate everyone with the victory, I think that the 6:1 scoreline proves that we deserved to win the bronze medal. Overall, we are satisfied with the performance at this competition, players of all positions showed their capabilities. We are producing more and more creative players. However, the main thing was that the players fought for each other on the ice, they were a united group. Yes, at the moment the North Americans are better than us, but we aren't far behind anymore.

Head coach Alexander Syrtsov:

- All of the girls gave 100%, strictly following the game plan. Everyone understood what this match meant. If we look at the tournament as a whole, I think that the players did a great job, we are satisfied with their performances. I am pleased that we aren't far behind Canada and the USA, we are showing that we can compete against them.

Forward Ilona Markova:

- We are all happy that we managed to win! In order to achieve your goal, you have to work hard. We deserved to win this medal. We have the highest possible ambitions, we want to prove that we are the best.

Forward Kristi Shashkina:

- Finally we have won a medal at the World Championship, I only feel joy! This was probably our best performance of the competition. The score says everything you need to know.

Forward Kristina Glukharyova:

- As a team, we gave everything on the ice, every single one of us is worthy of winning the bronze medal. I have so many emotions!

Forward Vita Ponyatovskaya:

- This is my third World W18 Championship, and finally I have a medal! I have been waiting for this moment for so long. I am very happy!

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