NaturEnergie Challenge. Switzerland - Russian Olympic team - 8:2

In the concluding game of the 2019 NaturEnergie Challenge in Switzerland, the Russian Olympic national team came up short against the tournament hosts, conceding a large 2:8 defeat.

Russia found themselves 0:7 down after 52 minutes.

In the final eight minutes of play, Oleg Pogorishniy and Alexander Dergachyov did hit the target, but it made little difference to the outcome.

The Russians finish in second place of the competition. Norway beat Slovakia 4:1 to claim third spot.

Match protocol:

Switzerland - Russian Olympic national team - 7:2 (2:0, 1:0, 5:2)


1:0 Ruefnacht (Scherwey, Richard), 07.05
2:0 Loeffel (Suter, Corvi), 12.50
3:0 Praplan (Egli, Ambuhl), 29.03
4:0 Loeffel (Untersander, Moser), 46.24
5:0 Bertaggia (Ambuhl, Untersander), 47.41
6:0 Loeffel (Praplan), 49.03
7:0 Loeffel (Ambuhl, Praplan), 51.27
7:1 Pogorishniy (Altybarmakyan), 52.06
7:2 Dergachyov, 53.38
7:3 Scherwey (Praplan), 59.40

Goalkeepers: Nyffeler - Tikhomirov/Fedotov


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