Saint Petersburg Hockey Open. Serbia - RF North-West - 0:8

The Russian Federation North-West team thrashed Serbia 8:0 in the maiden match of the 2019 Saint Petersburg Hockey Open at the Yubileyny Arena.

In comparison to Serbia's 17 shots, the Russians unleashed 101 attempts, with 54 of them landing on target. Goalkeepers Sergei Korobov and Alexei Melnichuk weren't beaten in the Russian net.

Match protocol:

Serbia - RF North-West - 0:8 (0:2, 0:3, 0:3)


0:1 Sizov (Vovchenko, Geraskin), 17.05
0:2 Kukshtel (Valentsov, Nikolishin), 18.48
0:3 Larichev (Kodola), 29.51
0:4 Babenko (Kukshtel), 34.57
0:5 Tsitsyura (Dzhioshvili, Kondratyev), 39.15
0:6 Larichev, 41.11
0:7 Tsitsyura (Kondratyev, Dzhioshvili), 42.47
0:8 Kodola (Khabarov), 47.42

Goalkeepers: Rankovic - Korobov/Melnichuk

Shots on target: 10 - 54

Faceoffs: 27 - 28

Hits: 3 - 6

Penalty minutes: 12 - 4


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