Russian national team players speak ahead of the Swedish Hockey Games

Ahead of the upcoming third stage of the 2018/2019 Euro Hockey Tour, senior Russian national team forwards Vadim Shipachyov, Grigory Denisenko and Andrei Kuzmenko spoke to the media.

Russian national team forward Vadim Shipachyov:

- I feel great and our task is to win this tournament. I was happy to be called up to the team. After some days off, we've began training here, and we are all in shape. Dmitry Kagarlitsky is also here? I am happy that he is in the national team with me too.

Russian national team forward Grigory Denisenko:

- I have positive emotions from being with the senior national team. No one is thinking about their clubs now, all thoughts are on the national side. Hopefully, I and other Yaroslavl players will be given the opportunity to play tomorrow, we will try to repay the faith in us if we take to the ice. There will be a great atmosphere in Yaroslavl. The fans are excellent there and it will be nice to play at my home arena.

Russian national team forward Andrei Kuzmenko:

- I am happy to be in the national team, I've missed a lot of the guys. Last season, I played with Andrei Svetlakov and Konstantin Okulov all of the time, and I sent Andrei a message as soon as we were both called up. We will listen to the older players. Am I a veteran with the national team already? Of course not! I need to prove my worth on the ice.

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