The Father of Russia Ice Hockey. 100th anniversary of Anatoly Tarasov's birthday

December 10, 2018 marks the 100th anniversary of the legendary Anatoly Tarasov's 100th birthday.

Regarded as the Father of Russian Ice Hockey, Anatoly Tarasov won a number of awards during his hugely successful career as an ice hockey coach, notably winning the 1964, 1968 and 1972 Olympic Games, nine World Championships between 1963 and 1971, 17 USSR championships and was included in the NHL and IIHF Hall of Fame.

Anatoly's legend lives on and his astounding achievements in the game will never be forgotten.

Tarasov Anatoly Vladimirovich

Born 10.12.1981, died on 23.06.1995

Honoured USSR Master of Sport and Ice Hockey Coach

Triple Olympic gold medalist

Nine World Championship titles

17 USSR championships

Member of the NHL Hall of Fame (1974)

Member of the IIHF Hall of Fame (1997)

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