Training match in Novogorsk

At the Novogorsk training complex, Team ROC has competed the second mini training cycle in preparation for the upcoming 2022 Olympic Games.

The team participated in a two-sided training match. The ROC-1 - ROC-2 game finished with the former claiming a 3:0 victory in regulation time, before the ensuing 3-on-3 overtime period once again saw the latter suffer a defeat. However, in the planned penalty shootout, ROC-2 did claim a 2:1 win.

Manager of Team ROC Ilya Kovalchuk:

- The second mini training cycle for the team has reached its completion. We're happy with the guys' attitude, they are following the training program really well in the correct manner. We can see healthy competition within the group, this should be the case with such an important tournament around the corner. Artyom Anisimov took a negative PCR test, he isolated here in Novogorsk and will now join up with the team.

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