The Red Machine National Development Program was presented in Sochi

At the Sirius Educational Centre in Sochi, the Red Machine National Development Program was presented for schools from the southern federal region. The event was organised with the support of the Nornikel company.

Senior national team leader and first Russian Ice Hockey Federation vice-president Roman Rotenberg and honoured ice hockey coach Vladimir Yurzinov spoke to the coaches and players of southern federal region teams. National team coaches Ilya Vorobyov, Alexei Kudashov and Anvar Gatiyatullin held video lessons connected with using national development program techniques in international matches. Head coach of the Russian Olympic team Oleg Bratash covered the specialities of certain age groups and other key principles of the program.

The Red Machine National Development Program is a series of methodical literature, which has been created for coaches working in children's ice hockey schools. In the program, basic ice hockey exercises are included, alongside technical skills for controlling the puck, theory, tactics, methods for physical training and nutrition. The program will consist of seven departments covering age categories from the youngest to more mature players who are on the threshold of professional ice hockey, and there is also a separate department for goalkeeper training. It's planned that the program's blocks will be completed towards the start of the next educational year. The program will be distributed among the seven inter-regional centers and 600 ice hockey schools. The program's final development phases will be based on feedback from participants of the process' introduction, including the mobile application "Red Machine - Regions" and video lessons.

After the theory lessons, training sessions took place at the Shayba Ice Arena for children between 8-10 using techniques from the Red Machine National Development Program. Development and power skating coach Daniel Bochner and national team coaches Ilya Vorobyov, Alexei Kudashov, Anvar Gatiyatulin, Olympic team head coach Oleg Bratash and national team players Pavel Datsyuk, Nikita Gusev and Vladislav Gavrikov all participated.

Senior national team leader and first RIHF vice-president Roman Rotenberg:

- The program consists of seven categories for the youngest players and seniors, including a separate section for goalkeeper training. The blocks are in the process of preparation and will be finished for the start of the next educational year. The program will be distributed among seven inter-regional centers and 600 ice hockey school. For each centre, there will be an RIHF specialist who will oversee the program's introduction and useage. The final process of completing the program will be based on feedback received from participants and that includes the "Red Machine - Regions" mobile application.

Director of the Sirius Educational Centre sporting department Dmitry Savin:

- Here at the Sirius Educational Centre, we have the task of not only working with children, but also improving the coaching quality. In the near future, the centre (in partnership with the RIHF) will become a hub for training coaches according to the standards of the Red Machine National Development Program. This program is a methodical and practical instrument and Sirius will actively promote it.

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