Implementation of the Red Machine National Development Program in academies

The Russian Ice Hockey Federation (RIHF) is continuing to implement the Red Machine National Development Program in ice hockey schools.

At the Kasatonov Hockey Academy, RIHF specialists held a scheduled master class for young players as well as a coaching seminar. The main activities for the implementation of the Program, stipulated by the cooperation agreement, were successfully undertaken during the preceding season. Creating opportunities for coaches to exchange ideas and gain new knowledge is one of the goals of the Red Machine National Development Program.

The values ​​of the Program are largely determined by the specifics of ice hockey itself - this is attention to detail, the desire for continuous development, improvement of training technologies and continuous learning.


When working in accordance with the Red Machine National Development Program, a coach can be completely sure that regardless of the region, he has access to the latest and best methodological developments. The ability to keep up with the latest developments has been made possible thanks to the RIHF's close partnership with Nornickel.

The highest value of the Program is the health and well-being of young athletes. In this regard, an important task of the coach is to create psychologically comfortable conditions for conducting classes and an honest environment for all participants in the training system.

It's generally accepted that mistakes cannot be avoided in the process of training. After all, even experienced players often make miscalculations and blunders. When working with children, you need to "allow" them to make mistakes. As a consequence, young athletes develop a habit of not being afraid to try and be ambitious with their approach. Creativity, like sport, is one of the best forms of activity. A creative approach to the training process allows for the limits of possibilities to be widely expanded.

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