The RIHF participated in a conference at the Lesgaft University

The XVII All-Russian scientific and practical conference concerning modern problems of the theory and methodology of ice hockey took place in Saint Petersburg.

The conference involved an exchange of opinions among leading coaches, specialists and experts. During the event, a wide range of issues related to the scientific, methodological, organisational and legal aspects of the process of coaching ice hockey players in Russia were discussed.

The conference possesses international status and is traditionally staged at the Lesgaft University.

Specialists representing the Russian Ice Hockey Federation were present at the conference as moderators and also made presentations which were highly appreciated by all participants and listeners. Their material was put together in accordance with the Red Machine National Development Program

For example, at the initial training stage when players are aged between five and seven, the Red Machine National Development Program recommends focusing on teaching technical elements, while other aspects are either secondary or not used at all when coaching young children. Priorities shift at later stages, with teenagers being taught tactics, strength and endurance.

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